number 106a
hove, south australia
kaurna land
number 106a hove
residential, new home
architect > sean
interior designer > bettina
builder > steve gibson homes
engineer > pt design
landscaper > greenwell landscapes
images > christopher morrison
stylist > mazmis
about the project
situated on the busy foreshore strip between Brighton and Hove…number 106a is very much in the public eye. A private residence on display to the ‘hub-dub’ of daily beachside life. Presenting itself to the street and coast, it opens its doors and does not shy away.
breaking down the formalised ‘edge’ of the building envelope… pushing and pulling, it blurs between two domains. As part of the steady redevelopment of the Adelaidean foreshore, number 106a, doesn’t try to be beachy, it plants it feet firmly and says, hey ‘look at me’…I’m a little bit different!... a home that both watches and is there to be watched…‘not a beach house’ but a beachside home…
planning is driven by achieving ocean views wherever possible, with the use of the stair, as its own experience! Subtle cranks and shifts in the floor plates allows internal and external living spaces that offer different appreciation of the site...
“As a family of five navigating through Covid, the flow in our home provides an easy transition between living, socialising and work/study. A balance between open plan living and personal space has been accomplished due to Black Rabbit’s ability to “get” our family dynamic.
Although we dreamed of living at the beach, this is beyond all expectations.
…it helps when the neighbours tells us they love the house too”